Artwork found: 18
Ramunė Antanina Vėliuvienė
Parks of Time XII
Missal Vine. From the series “Readings from the Gospel”
1991 - 1994
Star of Bethlehem. From the series “Readings from the Gospel”
Running to Egypt. From the series “Readings from the Gospel”
From the series “Readings from the Gospel”
Birutė Zokaitytė
Parks of Time II
Bread and Fish. From the series “Readings from the Gospel”
John the Baptist. From the series “Readings from the Gospel”
Apparition to Mary. From the series “Readings from the Gospel”
Parks of Time V
Parks of Time VI
Expulsion from the Temple. From the series “Readings from the Gospel”
Gifts of God. From the series “Readings from the Gospel”