Jurgita Juodytė

Jurgita Juodytė


  • Photographer, videoperformance and installation artist.

  • Born 1978 in Kaišiadorių dist.

  • Got master's degree from Vilnius Academy of Arts Kaunas Faculty in 2005.

  • Member of Lithuanian Interdisciplinary Artists Association, since 2010.

  • Member of Lithuanian Graphic Design Association, since 2014.

  • 2008 Prize of student art day, Vilnius art academy.

  • 2007 The best new initiative 2007, „Pravda“ novice.

  • 2007 Prize of Jonas Dovydėnas, contest of young photographer.

  • 2006 Arctic Paper prize, contest of young photographer.

  • 2003 International print biennial Beijing of China.


Jurgita Juodytė - Bride

Jurgita Juodytė



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